What a moment in Jesus' life when John declared who Jesus was and God spoke from heaven! Wouldn't that make you feel good to know there was a great purpose for your life acknowledged by some words of encouragement from man and from the Lord in heaven above? Starting out on a journey begins with a sense of purpose. But note how the baptism preceded testing. Suddenly instead of the great vision you have for your future and God's clear movement in your life, you find yourself in the wilderness with nothing but the Lord's promise to keep you going. You're hungry and facing temptation to give in and quit or worse...
Jesus was led by the Holy Spirit into the wilderness which is Satan’s domain ( Matthew 12:43.). This echoed exactly what had happened to Moses and the Israelites when they were led into the desert by God right after all those great miracles. They had been mightily delivered from Egypt and were now going to the Promised Land in a hurry! But when they realised it wasn't going to work out as they had imagined, it wasn't too long before the rumbling of complaints started.
Jesus had fasted for 40 days and being severely weakened, found himself in a great spiritual battle with the Devil himself. What a terrible predicament to be in.
Satan sure knows how to pick his moments. There would be 3 great temptations – 3 tactical traps that would have spelled indescribable disaser if Jesus failed to overcome them. Where do you go when you have nothing left to give, when all your strength is gone and the thoughts you're having are overwhelming you? You hear that voice saying it would be so much easier to give in even though you know in your heart the disaster that would follow. More than that, this moment in Jesus' life was more important than the immediate. It was preparation for an even Greater Battle ahead at the Cross. God will never allow trials and temptations to come into your life without a greater purpose in mind. And he will give you the deeper strength you need to win the struggle in those moments.
The 1st Temptation was to turn stones to bread so that Jesus could eat and satisfy his hunger. What was the trap in this? It was a seemingly innocuous question from Satan, but Jesus spotted the danger immediately. Jesus recognised he was hungry like Esau was. Esau had given away his inheritance for some soup and bread. Jesus responded to Satan from Deuteronomy 8:2-3.
Satan's way of trying to trick Jesus had 3 strategies.
– Cast doubt with the words “If you really are God’s Son”. Jesus had heard God's voice at his baptism and he didn't forget those wonderful words. Maybe you need to remind yourself of those great moments in your life when you heard God speak to you. Never forget them!
– Try to get Jesus to disobey what the Holy Spirit had asked Jesus to do. It was the Holy Spirit who had asked Jesus to fast and Jesus was waiting for the all clear from him. It is only following after the Holy Spirit that will give us life. Following our own nature leads to death.
– To cause Jesus to be discontentment with God’s provision. Remember God will always provide what you need which might be less than you think. You can trust him with less. You don't live on bread alone.
It can be a frightening moment when temptation first arrives in your life. Satan was doing everything he could to keep Jesus in the desert. But there is an opportunity in every temptation to “turn the tables” on Satan. You can frighten him off by making him realise you're going to grow by overcoming what you are facing. Don't be scared of him. Make him scared of you!
Since Jesus had overcome the 1st temptation he would have strength at the Cross when he heard the words from the crowd “Come down from the cross if you are the Son of God”. He did not need to prove he was God's Son. He could remember his Father's beautiful words at his baptism and he also knew he could overcome Satan even in his weakest moment by remembering the Wilderness.
The 2nd Temptation was to Jump. What was the trap? Satan actually misquoted Psalm 91:11-12. I don't believe you'll ever hear a truthful word from Satan. He is the father of lies and can't bear to tell the truth. He will always pervert what has God has said. The passage Satan quoted can not be applied to jumping off tall buildings! That is indeed foolish. God sends his angels to protect you from stumbling on your journey so that you won't fall and cut, bruise yourself or break a bone but he may not help you if you do something reckless. He does care for you so don't learn the hard way. Make sure you know not only what God has said, but what he means. Think carefully on his words and put them in context. Be wise.
Jesus referred Satan to Deuteronomy 6:16 and Exodus 17:7. Massah means “tempting Jehovah to slay us”. Why did the Israelites even ask “Is God going to take care of us or not?”. After all even in the desert, they had manna from heaven every day, a cloud to lead them during the day and a pillar of fire at night. It was very clear that God was looking after them so why were they complaining? God does want us to ask him for our daily needs and they needed water, but what he hated was the moaning and questioning of his love that he got instead. I'm sure all parents and anyone who tries to lead can understand where God was coming from! How they were testing his patience!
Instead of complaining, ask your Heavenly Father for your daily needs and trust his provision. In God’s timing, the angels came and cared for Jesus. God will send you strength when you most need it. He loves you.
At the Cross, the religious leaders shouted “Come down from the cross and we’ll believe you”. They mocked Jesus and told him to jump. Quit they screamed at Jesus. “Let God show his approval by delivering you”. Don't let the Devil trick you to jump when you are so close to victory. Keep waiting, angels are coming.
The 3rd and final temptation was a deal with Satan. Jesus was promised the World in exchange for his worship and loyalty. Oh boy we know this trap, you'd think there would be no way anyone would fall for this. When we were kids, we never thought we would face trouble like that. It would be easy to go the right way! But every day teenagers and adults come to this same crossroads in their life and the promise of power, wealth, fame or happiness lures them down the wrong road. Don't you hate it?
If you are standing at the crossroads in your life remind yourself what to do from Jeremiah 6:16. Satan’s Shortcut to obtaining the Kingdoms of the World is the high road to nowhere. It comes with a diabolical condition and a heavy price. “The Wages of Sin is Death!”…always. The Father’s way for Jesus was the Cross…the low road. There is no other way to tell you that this is difficult and involves suffering. Yet it is only for a short time, you'll get through. The first step down the right road is the hardest, once you start you can't even turn and look behind you in the narrow way. Yet the way get's brighter as you go. The other way get's darker. Jesus chose God’s Way and won his battle. Jesus resisted and the Devil went away a while. Finally there was peace and quiet and the trial was over.
At the Cross, Pilate tried to limit Jesus to being the King of the Jews. “So you are the King of Israel are you?” Satan mocked. But with his last breath, Jesus earned the right to be the King of Kings. That's where he sits now.
In order to win your Battle, learn from Jesus;
• Jesus went where the Holy Spirit led him
• Jesus fasted for 40 days and was prepared. Your enemy is tough so get ready... Ephesians 6:13-17
• Jesus never doubted his relationship with the Father
• Jesus knew the Word of God
• Jesus overcame by obedience to the Word of God
• Jesus knew his life purpose and calling
• Jesus chose the low road…the Father’s Way
Which way do you choose as you stand at the Crossroads? Choose Life.