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Today we continue on in our series on the Apostle’s Creed. We need to ensure our faith is built on the Rock - Jesus, the Word of God, otherwise we will be tossed by every wind of doctrine that sweeps across the Earth in these dangerous times we live in. By the time we’ve finished, you will know the Apostle’s Creed by heart. This week we look at what is perhaps the most controversial statement in the Creed. Feel free to join in...

  1. I believe in God, the Father almighty, Creator of heaven and earth. 
  2. I believe in Jesus Christ, his only Son, our Lord.  
  3. who was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary. 
  4. Suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died, and was buried.  
  5. He descended into Hell. On the third day he rose again from the dead.  
  6. He ascended into heaven and is seated at the right hand of God the Father almighty.  
  7. From there He will come to judge the living and the dead.
  8. I believe in the Holy Spirit,  
  9. the holy catholic Church, the communion of saints,  
  10. the forgiveness of sins,  
  11. the resurrection of the body,  
  12. and life everlasting. 


I realise that today’s topic is difficult and after studying it, I realised we need to correctly understand the statement « He descended into Hell ».

First of all, the belief in Hell is equally important to the other parts of the Creed and should not be downplayed or removed. It is important to believe and is a test of true faith. The thought is so horrible that many people refuse to believe it, notably some modern day theologians and preachers. However, I don’t think you can describe yourself as a Christian if you don’t believe in Hell.

The Bible says 

But without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him.

Hebrews 11:6

So we’d better believe it ! 

In fact, the Bible continually warns of a place called Hell. There are over 162 references in the New Testament alone which warns of hell. And over 70 of these references were uttered by the Lord Jesus Christ!

Let’s start by reading a story that Jesus told that affirms that statement on Hell and the Resurrection. This story follows on from Jesus teaching to the Pharisees and Scribes who were complaining that Jesus was spending time with sinners. He gave them the Parable of the Lost Sheep, the Lost Coin and the Lost Son to teach them the value of the Lost.

Then Jesus spoke harshly to them to show they were living selfishly with their money instead of helping the people God brought to their door. He told them they were heading straight for Hell !

There was a certain rich man who was clothed in purple and fine linen and fared sumptuously every day. But there was a certain beggar named Lazarus, full of sores, who was laid at his gate, desiring to be fed with  the crumbs which fell from the rich man’s table. Moreover the dogs came and licked his sores. So it is was that the beggar died, and was carried by the angels to  Abraham’s bosom. The rich man also died and was buried. And being in torments in Hades, he lifted up his eyes and saw Abraham afar off, and Lazarus in his bosom. “Then he cried and said, ‘Father Abraham, have mercy on me, and send Lazarus that he may dip the tip of his finger in water and  cool my tongue; for I  am tormented in this flame.’ But Abraham said, ‘Son,  remember that in your lifetime you received your good things, and likewise Lazarus evil things; but now he is comforted and you are tormented. And besides all this, between us and you there is a great gulf fixed, so that those who want to pass from here to you cannot, nor can those from there pass to us.’ “Then he said, ‘I beg you therefore, father, that you would send him to my father’s house, for I have five brothers, that he may testify to them, lest they also come to this place of torment.’ Abraham said to him,  ‘They have Moses and the prophets; let them hear them.’ And he said, ‘No, father Abraham; but if one goes to them from the dead, they will repent.’ But he said to him,  ‘If they do not hear Moses and the prophets,  neither will they be persuaded though one rise from the dead.’ ”

Luke 16:19-31

There is more in this story than we can cover in one sermon but here Jesus taught about 2 destinations - Abraham’s Bosom or Hades. This is exactly how the Pharisees taught life after death. The soul descended to Sheol awaiting the final resurrection and Judgement. The Sadducees did not believe in life after death nor the resurrection and Jesus told them that they had made a serious error.

Abraham’s Bosom was the destination of the Righteous Dead. To go to Abraham’s Bosom implies a very close and loving relationship. When we think of the scriptures that says that Abraham was to have as many children as stars he could see in the sky, we can understand that a person of faith is a child of Abraham. So at the time a person of faith died they would go to be with their father Abraham. This is where Lazarus went. He had a very tough life but he was a man of faith. He was just the sort of man who kept trusting God despite all his troubles. When he died, the angels took him to be with the father of faith - to Abraham’s Bosom.

Paradise is where the Pharisees thought they were going. But Jesus had a shocking warning for them.

Hades was the destination of the Unrighteous Dead. The Rich Man was a selfish man who ignored Lazarus laid outside his front door day after day after day, starving and sick with the dogs licking his wounds. Every time the Rich Man walked in the front door he looked the other way and never once helped. Eventually Lazarus died without the Rich Man ever helping him. You can cross lines with God. The Rich Man never helped Lazarus despite many opportunities to do so. The moment Lazarus died, Heaven recorded a very serious crime had been committed.

If you think back a few weeks, you’ll remember Keith Green singing about the Final Judgement of the Sheep and the Goats. The Sheep went on to Everlasting Life for helping the least of his Brethren but The Goats were sent into Everlasting Fire for what they didn’t do.

When I’ve been overseas, I’ve seen a lot of people living on the streets of London and Paris and it’s very troubling. Especially in the cold of winter, when it sometimes snows, you wonder if they will survive. When I went to Paris in January 2019, I could see down from the Hotel 7th floor into the Building across the road a hall filled with beds. Someone cared. When the temperature dropped below zero that night, many people came in off the streets and the Hall was more full than an army barracks. Most of the time Rich people walk on by. We have homeless people at our front door here in Papatoetoe. The point is, don’t do nothing. Get involved with South Auckland Christian Foodbank, give a loaf of bread to one who’s hungry. Perhaps you can do even more than that.

These stories Jesus told primarily to the Religious Crowd with His Disciples also present to motivate them to care for the Poor, the Sick and the Lost. 

God’s compassion to the Lost is until the very end.

Jesus said to the thief on the Cross;

And Jesus said to him, “Assuredly, I say to you, today you will be with Me in Paradise.”

Luke 23:43

The thief went to Paradise without having done anything good with his life.

In the story, Lazarus went to Paradise though he was the least of the Brethren without status in society, just a beggar with faith.

Always be on alert to show light to the Lost and care to the Least.

The Apostle’s Creed says Jesus descended into Hell which might bring a question to our mind. Didn’t Jesus go to Paradise with the thief and isn’t Paradise up ?

Paul later said he went up to Paradise, the 3rd Heaven.

It is doubtless not profitable for me to boast. I will come to visions and revelations of the Lord: I know a man in Christ who fourteen years ago—whether in the body I do not know, or whether out of the body I do not know, God knows—such a one was caught up to the third heaven. And I know such a man—whether in the body or out of the body I do not know, God knows— how he was caught up into Paradise and heard inexpressible words, which it is not lawful for a man to utter.

2 Corinthians 12:1-4

In the story of the Rich Man and Lazarus it says;

And being in torments in Hades, he lifted up his eyes and saw Abraham afar off, and Lazarus in his bosom.

Luke 16:23

Does that confirm that Paradise is up? Yes but it needs more explanation. 

So in the Realm of the Dead, in Sheol, there were levels with Paradise being on a higher level and separated from the Dark part of Hades by a wide chasm.

Here is a video that explains the difference between Hades and Paradise;

Did Jesus go to Hell between His Death and Resurrection? | GotQuestions.org

(Script below)

Did Jesus go to Hell?

There is a great deal of confusion in regards to this question. The concept that Jesus went to hell after His death on the cross comes primarily from the Apostles’ Creed, which states, “He descended into hell.” There are also a few Scriptures which, depending on how they are translated, describe Jesus going to “hell.” In studying this issue, it is important to first understand what the Bible teaches about the realm of the dead.

In the Hebrew Scriptures, the word used to describe the realm of the dead is sheol. It simply means “the place of the dead” or “the place of departed souls/spirits.” The New Testament Greek equivalent of sheol is hades, which also refers to “the place of the dead.” Other Scriptures in the New Testament indicate that sheol/hades is a temporary place, where souls are kept as they await the final resurrection and judgment. Revelation 20:11–15 gives a clear distinction between hades and the lake of fire. The lake of fire is the permanent and final place of judgment for the lost. Hades, then, is a temporary place. Many people refer to both hades and the lake of fire as “hell,” and this causes confusion. Jesus did not go to a place of torment after His death, but He did go to hades.

Sheol/hades was a realm with two divisions—a place of blessing and a place of judgment (Matthew 11:23; 16:18; Luke 10:15; 16:23; Acts 2:27–31). The abodes of the saved and the lost are both generally called “hades” in the Bible. The abode of the saved is also called “Abraham’s bosom” (KJV) or “Abraham’s side” (NIV) in Luke 16:22 and “paradise” in Luke 23:43. The abode of the unsaved is called “hell” (KJV) or “Hades” (NIV) in Luke 16:23. The abodes of the saved and the lost are separated by a “great chasm” (Luke 16:26). When Jesus died, He went to the blessed side of sheol and, from there, took the believers with Him to heaven (Ephesians 4:8–10). The judgment side of sheol/hades has remained unchanged. All unbelieving dead go there awaiting their final judgment in the future. Did Jesus go to sheol/hades? Yes, according to Ephesians 4:8–10 and 1 Peter 3:18–20.

Some of the confusion has arisen from such passages as Psalm 16:10–11 as translated in the King James Version: “For thou wilt not leave my soul in hell; neither wilt thou suffer thine Holy One to see corruption. . . . Thou wilt show me the path of life.” “Hell” is not a correct translation in this verse. A correct reading would be “the grave” or “sheol.” Jesus said to the thief beside Him, “Today you will be with me in paradise” (Luke 23:43); He did not say, “I will see you in hell.” Jesus’ body was in the tomb; His soul/spirit went to be with the blessed in sheol/hades. Unfortunately, in many versions of the Bible, translators are not consistent, or correct, in how they translate the Hebrew and Greek words for “sheol,” “hades,” and “hell.”

Some have the viewpoint that Jesus went to “hell” or the suffering side of sheol/hades in order to further be punished for our sins. This idea is completely unbiblical. It was the death of Jesus on the cross that sufficiently provided for our redemption. It was His shed blood that effected our own cleansing from sin (1 John 1:7–9). As He hung there on the cross, He took the sin burden of the whole human race upon Himself. He became sin for us: “God made him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God” (2 Corinthians 5:21). This imputation of sin helps us understand Christ’s struggle in the garden of Gethsemane with the cup of sin which would be poured out upon Him on the cross.

As Jesus neared death, He said, “It is finished” (John 19:30). His suffering in our place was completed. His soul/spirit went to hades (the place of the dead). Jesus did not go to “hell” or the suffering side of hades; He went to “Abraham’s side” or the blessed side of hades. Jesus’ suffering ended the moment He died. The payment for sin was paid. He then awaited the resurrection of His body and His return to glory in His ascension. Did Jesus go to hell? No. Did Jesus go to sheol/hades? Yes.

I want to also emphasise that Jesus did not suffer for our sins after death. His work was finished at the Cross. This is very important to understand because the Word of Faith movement, the likes of Kenneth Copeland, Joyce Meyer and others are teaching that Jesus suffered in Hell and even that Jesus was born again in Hell. This is a heresy reflected in the teachings of the Catholic Church on Purgatory. 

Statements 4 & 5 in the Creed are separate. 

4. Suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died, and was buried.  

Jesus’s suffering ended at his death on the Cross. The Cross is a victory. The next statement is a victory declaration. The War is over, the Victor went to rescue the captives;

5. He descended into Hell. On the third day he rose again from the dead.

Jesus said to John;

I am He who lives, and was dead, and behold,  I am alive forevermore. Amen. And  I have the keys of  Hades and of Death.

Revelation 1:18

How did Jesus get those keys ? He had to descend to get them.

Keith Green’s song the Victor says;

His plan of battle

You know it

He fooled them all

They led him off to prison to die

But as he entered Hades hall

He broke those hellish chains with a cry

Just listen to those demons screaming

See him bruise the serpent's head

The prisoners of hell

He's redeeming (oh!)

All the power of death is dead

It is finished

He has done it

Life conquered death

Jesus Christ

Has won it

Just look

The gates of Hell they're falling

Crumbling from the inside out

He's bursting through the walls with laughter (hah!)

Listen to the angels shout…

Note that Keith Green sings « as he entered Hades Hall ». The Devil was fooled when Jesus died on the Cross but the moment Jesus died and entered the realm of the dead, the Devil realised his mistake !

And you, being dead in your trespasses and the uncircumcision of your flesh, He has made alive together with Him, having forgiven you all trespasses, having wiped out the handwriting of requirements that was against us, which was contrary to us. And He has taken it out of the way, having nailed it to the cross. Having disarmed principalities and powers, He made a public spectacle of them, triumphing over them in it.

Colossians 2:13-15

Where did he triumph over them ? At the Cross !

As in the song, Jesus descended when he died just as the Apostle’s Creed says but in victory not defeat.

So what happened is this;

When Jesus died he descended to Abraham’s Bosom, to Paradise, the place of the righteous dead.  

For as Jonah was three days and three nights in the belly of the great fish, so will the Son of Man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth.

Matthew 12:40

If you remember, Jonah was told to go to preach to Ninevah. 

Now the word of the Lord came to Jonah the second time, saying, “Arise, go to Nineveh, that great city, and preach to it the message that I tell you.” So Jonah arose and went to Nineveh, according to the word of the Lord. Now Nineveh was an exceedingly great city, a three-day journey in extent. And Jonah began to enter the city on the first day’s walk. Then he cried out and said, “Yet forty days, and Nineveh shall be overthrown!”

Jonah 3:1-4

So just as Jonah preached to Ninevah for 3 days, Jesus was in  Sheol preaching to the Dead for 3 days.

There he made his announcement of victory to the righteous dead in Paradise, the unrighteous dead in Hades and to the Devil and all his Demons as described by Peter;

For Christ also suffered once for sins, the just for the unjust, that He might bring us to God, being put to death in the flesh but made alive by the Spirit, by whom also He went and preached to the spirits in prison, who formerly were disobedient, when once the Divine longsuffering waited in the days of Noah, while the ark was being prepared, in which a few, that is, eight souls, were saved through water.

1 Peter 3:18-20

From there, Paul described Jesus ascending from the realm of the Dead taking those in Paradise and even the Captive with him (I do believe that all of Hades had the opportunity to repent during those 3 days just like the people of Ninevah).

Therefore He says: “When He ascended on high, He led captivity captive, And gave gifts to men.” (Now this, “He ascended” —what does it mean but that He also first descended into the lower parts of the earth? He who descended is also the One who ascended far above all the heavens, that He might fill all things.)

Ephesians 4:8-10

So now the only ones in Hades are the unrepentant unrighteous dead awaiting Final Judgement. Jesus took Paradise and all the Old Testament saints with him when he ascended !

That is why Paul said later (well after Jesus’s ascension) that he went up to Paradise. So when a believer dies now, they go up to be with Jesus in Paradise.

But the unrepentant unrighteous still go down to Hades awaiting Final Judgement. In Revelation, everyone is finally resurrected and united with their body.

The sea gave up the dead who were in it, and Death and Hades delivered up the dead who were in them. And they were judged, each one according to his works. Then Death and Hades were cast into the lake of fire. This is the second death. And anyone not found written in the Book of Life was cast into the lake of fire.

Revelation 20:13-15

There are now no second chances.

And as it is appointed for men to die once, but after this the judgment, so Christ was offered once to bear the sins of many. To those who eagerly wait for Him He will appear a second time, apart from sin, for salvation.

Hebrews 9:27-28

Hell is the future Lake of Fire and the destination of all those who died as unbelievers. A very sobering thought.

But lest we forget the Victory; 

He descended into Hell. On the third day he rose again from the dead.

The War is over, the Victory is won, Jesus is King of Kings and Lord of Lords. Amen.

You Cannot Be Serious !

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 John McEnroe aka "Superbrat" made famous the line "You cannot be serious !"

You probably heard of the recent change in the law in Texas that an abortion cannot be given once the baby’s heartbeat is detected, somewhere around 6-8 weeks. Good news indeed ! This has caused outrage amongst the Pro-choice supporters who fear the overturning of Roe v Wade by the Supreme Court where 6 or 7 of the 9 judges are Catholic. The Pope has a lot of power over America these days.

We have a big problem in our World today perfectly described in the Book of Judges where it says;

In those days there was no king in Israel; everyone did what was right in his own eyes.
Judges 21:25

Every little group thinks they are right and wants the line shifted so they are inside the line.

If I can determine where the line is, I will always be inside the line. It’s the other fellow who’s outside the line.

The problem is… the pedophiles also think they are inside the line.

We need an umpire, a referee to tell us when is the ball is out. There are rules to the game, otherwise it doesn’t work. I don’t get to decide the rules nor to enforce them. We have a judge, a referee, an umpire for that.

Trouble is there isn’t one judge here, not even on the Supreme Court who gets it right 100% of the time. Chalk will fly up. That’s where there’s 9 of them. So 5 always wins over 4.

Jesus said to him, “I am the way,  the truth, and the life.  No one comes to the Father except through Me.
John 14:6

Now Tennis has "Cyclops" to prove whether the ball was in or out. The Word of God is like Cyclops, it pinpoints when our serves were out. That Umpire never makes a mistake. 

Jesus is the One who sits on the Great White throne and will judge the Nations. He will use the Word of God to decide. There is an Authority outside ourselves to tell us what is right and what is wrong. What is in and what is out.

In Tennis, you always get a second chance if the first service was a fault. And you can have many second serves right up until the end and still win the match. The Umpire loves an honest player and so does the Crowd. Let's be honest with ourselves and with God and confess our faults. 
If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us. If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. If we say that we have not sinned, we make Him a liar, and His word is not in us.
1 John 1:8-10

John McEnroe will always be known as "Superbrat", He wasn't one to admit his faults but he used to blame the Umpire instead. People do that with God don't they ? Don't be a "Superbrat".

The Debtors Prison

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This is the 6th in our series on the Apostle’s Creed, after today we will be halfway. We need to ensure our faith is built on the Rock - Jesus, the Word of God, otherwise we will be tossed by every wind of doctrine that sweeps across the Earth especially in these dangerous times we live in. By the time we’ve finished , you will know the Apostle’s Creed by heart. This week we will affirm our belief in the Forgiveness of Sins which puts us halfway through the series. Feel free to join in... 

  1. I believe in God, the Father almighty, Creator of heaven and earth. 
  2. I believe in Jesus Christ, his only Son, our Lord. 
  3. who was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary. 
  4. Suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died, and was buried. 
  5. He descended into Hell. On the third day he rose again from the dead. 
  6. He ascended into heaven and is seated at the right hand of God the Father almighty. 
  7. From there He will come to judge the living and the dead. 
  8. I believe in the Holy Spirit, 
  9. the holy catholic Church, the communion of saints, 
  10. the forgiveness of sins, 
  11. the resurrection of the body, 
  12. and life everlasting. 

My favourite passage on the forgiveness of sins is the story of the woman who wept as she poured out an expensive bottle of perfume on Jesus feet and dried them with her hair. The version recorded in Luke is different from the other gospel accounts of a woman pouring expensive perfume on Jesus. Let’s compare the version in Luke with the one in John. 

The main 2 objectors in the accounts are Simon the Pharisee in the Luke account and Judas in John’s account. It is interesting to me that Judas was the son of Simon Iscariot but since it’s not said I can’t say Simon the Pharisee and Simon Iscariot were the same person. Since it’s the Luke Passage that relates to the forgiveness of sins, let’s read from Luke 7:36-50; 

When one of the Pharisees invited Jesus to have dinner with him, he went to the Pharisee’s house and reclined at the table. A woman in that town who lived a sinful life learned that Jesus was eating at the Pharisee’s house, so she came there with an alabaster jar of perfume. As she stood behind him at his feet weeping, she began to wet his feet with her tears. Then she wiped them with her hair, kissed them and poured perfume on them. When the Pharisee who had invited him saw this, he said to himself, “If this man were a prophet, he would know who is touching him and what kind of woman she is—that she is a sinner.” Jesus answered him, “Simon, I have something to tell you.” “Tell me, teacher,” he said. “Two people owed money to a certain moneylender. One owed him five hundred denarii, and the other fifty. Neither of them had the money to pay him back, so he forgave the debts of both. Now which of them will love him more?” Simon replied, “I suppose the one who had the bigger debt forgiven.” “You have judged correctly,” Jesus said. Then he turned toward the woman and said to Simon, “Do you see this woman? I came into your house. You did not give me any water for my feet, but she wet my feet with her tears and wiped them with her hair. You did not give me a kiss, but this woman, from the time I entered, has not stopped kissing my feet. You did not put oil on my head, but she has poured perfume on my feet. Therefore, I tell you, her many sins have been forgiven—as her great love has shown. But whoever has been forgiven little loves little.” Then Jesus said to her, “Your sins are forgiven.” The other guests began to say among themselves, “Who is this who even forgives sins?” Jesus said to the woman, “Your faith has saved you; go in peace.” 

Simon did not say what he thought out loud but Jesus answered his thoughts. Nothing is hidden from God.

Jesus spoke in accounting terms here and in the Lord’s Prayer to teach about the forgiveness of sins. In Accounting a debt is shown in the Balance Sheet as an asset. It is an asset because in the future it will be converted into money in the bank. Since a Balance sheet must always balance, on the other side of the sheet income is recorded in the Profit & Loss (P&L). The first journal entry is; 

Dr. Assets 

Cr. Income 

For example, a sale was made for $100. The buyer agrees to pay within 30 days and the $100 is recorded as a debt in the balance sheet. At the end of the year, the accounts in the P&L are cleared and the net profit or loss less tax is transferred to the owners equity in the balance sheet. 

The tax becomes a liability in the Balance Sheet owed to the Government. The Corporate tax rate is 28% so $28 is owed to the IRD and the balance of $72 to the owner. 

The debtor pays the company his debt of $100 and the company pays the income tax to the IRD of $28 leaving $72 in the bank account belonging to the owner. 

If the debt is not repaid, it must be written off because the value of the business is not as high as stated. The bad debt becomes an expense in the current year and reduces the profit. 

The accuracy of the balance sheet is so important that companies have to have their accounts audited by law. The Government has an interest because the tax they collect is reduced when a debt is written off. 

A few years ago, a crooked accountant at an Italian company rather than put expenses through to the P&L was adding the debit to a fake bank account in the balance sheet. The owner thought that he had a large balance in his account which of course wasn’t real. When finally caught obviously the accountant went to prison. Therefore the owner and the Government both have reason to be unhappy with a debtor who doesn’t repay. What they thought was an asset was merely an illusion. 

In the same way, when we sin we become a debtor in the balance sheet of both the person we sinned against and also to the Heavenly Government of God. Matthew (the Tax Collector) must have thought Jesus was speaking directly to him when he recorded the Parable of the Unforgiving Servant in Matthew 18:21-35; 
Then Peter came to Jesus and asked, “Lord, how many times shall I forgive my brother or sister who sins against me? Up to seven times?” Jesus answered, “I tell you, not seven times, but seventy-seven times.“ Therefore, the kingdom of heaven is like a king who wanted to settle accounts with his servants. As he began the settlement, a man who owed him ten thousand bags of gold was brought to him. Since he was not able to pay, the master ordered that he and his wife and his children and all that he had be sold to repay the debt. “At this the servant fell on his knees before him. ‘Be patient with me,’ he begged, ‘and I will pay back everything.’ The servant’s master took pity on him, canceled the debt and let him go. “But when that servant went out, he found one of his fellow servants who owed him a hundred silver coins. He grabbed him and began to choke him. ‘Pay back what you owe me!’ he demanded. “His fellow servant fell to his knees and begged him, ‘Be patient with me, and I will pay it back.’ “But he refused. Instead, he went off and had the man thrown into prison until he could pay the debt. When the other servants saw what had happened, they were outraged and went and told their master everything that had happened. “Then the master called the servant in. ‘You wicked servant,’ he said, ‘I canceled all that debt of yours because you begged me to. Shouldn’t you have had mercy on your fellow servant just as I had on you?’ In anger his master handed him over to the jailers to be tortured, until he should pay back all he owed. “This is how my heavenly Father will treat each of you unless you forgive your brother or sister from your heart.” 

If we will not forgive others, Jesus said our Heavenly Father won’t forgive us, why is that ? In the parable, the servant begged for time to repay his debts but the King forgave them all instead. The servant then had one of his own debtors thrown in prison and when the King found out he had the servant thrown in jail until he could repay every penny. His forgiveness was cancelled ! 

Every time we do something wrong we create a debt to someone, ultimately to God. That debt needs to be repaid or forgiven. If you have been really hurt by someone you will know our human nature wants justice. It wants the other person to do something or have something done to them that will cancel out the wrong that has been done. That’s why we send people to prison for the crime they have committed.

People who have done wrong know that they have hurt others but in their selfishness are pleasing themselves and can justify their wrongdoing. As the years go by the number of people we are in debt to can build up to the point we cannot repay. We don’t consider the ultimate consequences. Scripture instructs us to keep short accounts. 

What if I’m the one who’s been wronged and I haven’t done anything wrong ? My balance sheet is strong, I don’t have many debts and I repay them! Don’t be like the rich young ruler who came and asked Jesus what he needed to do to go to Heaven. When Jesus told him he needed to sell everything he had, give it to the poor and come follow Jesus he couldn’t do it. He loved money more than God. He wasn’t as good as he thought he was, he couldn’t obey the 1st commandment. 

Think about what you owe God. 

$300 for the groceries. 
$100 to put petrol in your car. 
$40 for a new gas bottle. 
Birthday BBQ at the Beach on a Sunny Day with your family and friends. 

You can never repay God. In the parable, the King at first shows Amazing Grace and forgives the man his great debts. The King hopes that such kindness will be life changing and that the debtor will go and make something good from their new start. If he was genuinely thankful he would remember the King’s kindness and try his best to show others the same kind of grace. 

But the man is more like a criminal who begs for mercy only to escape punishment, he doesn’t change at all. He is very good at manipulating others to get off Scot free. The man reveals what he is really like by going out and getting one of his own debtors thrown in Jail. He has an evil heart, he is a crook. 

Once the King realises he has been deceived by crocodile tears, he has the man thrown in Jail « until he can repay every penny ». 

Jesus forgives us all our many debts and expects us to do the same for others on a much smaller scale. 

Getting back to the account in Luke, the woman is a notorious prostitute responsible for her part in the betrayal of many wives and families. She has never sought forgiveness, imagine the great debt she has to all the people she has offended. You will hear it said that as long as I don’t hurt anyone else it’s nobody else’s business. This is simply a lie. When we sin, we hurt our family, bring shame to our parents, embarrass our friends, wear down the community picking up the pieces and even harm the gospel message if we are a Christian. 

The woman can never make amends for all the harm she has done. Her only home is forgiveness from the Lord. That is why the woman is weeping when she comes to Jesus. All her debt is released in tears because of the grace and mercy of God to forgive a repentant sinner. 

We are created in the image of God and he has been hurt many times by each one of us. It’s why Jesus went to the Cross because we cannot repay what we owe for all the wrong we have done. Only God is rich enough to pay for that. And if God himself was the one on the Cross paying the debt for all our sin, who can challenge him ? 

The woman admitted her sin and was forgiven all of it. The Pharisee would not admit his sin and was forgiven none of it. The woman poured out her most valuable possession to show her love for Jesus and he forgave her sin. Judas threw his 30 pieces of silver at the feet of the Pharisees 
saying, “I have sinned by betraying innocent blood!” But they said, “What is that to us? You take care of it yourself!” 
Matthew 27:4 

Judas was not forgiven for his crime and he went out and hung himself. There was no mercy from the Purveyors of the Law. 

Jesus will forgive your sin, others may not. As human beings we can barely forgive a single lie said to us, let alone something much worse ! But if you want a friend to love you, forgive them their debts ! 

In the musical Les Misérables, Javert was the Policeman seeking to capture Jean Valjean for stealing a loaf of bread to feed his starving family and trying to escape his prison sentence. He represents the law which pursues our conviction until justice is done.


Les Misérables is a story of Law and Grace. You can’t have one without the other. But having received forgiveness ourselves, we also must forgive, I believe in the forgiveness of sins !


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Last year we started a series on the Apostle’s Creed. We need to ensure our faith is built on the Rock - Jesus, the Word of God, otherwise we will be tossed by every wind of doctrine that sweeps across the Earth especially in these dangerous times we live in. By the time we’ve finished , you will know the Apostle’s Creed by heart. This week we will affirm our belief in the Holy Spirit. Feel free to join in...

  1. I believe in God, the Father almighty, Creator of heaven and earth. 
  2. I believe in Jesus Christ, his only Son, our Lord.  
  3. who was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary. 
  4. Suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died, and was buried.  
  5. He descended into Hell. On the third day he rose again from the dead.  
  6. He ascended into heaven and is seated at the right hand of God the Father almighty.  
  7. From there He will come to judge the living and the dead.  
  8. I believe in the Holy Spirit,  
  9. the holy catholic Church, the communion of saints,  
  10. the forgiveness of sins,  
  11. the resurrection of the body,  
  12. and life everlasting. 

If you remember the Christian Calendar from last week, you might have noted that I said the Ascension of Jesus was 40 days after his Resurrection and Pentecost 10 days after that so on the 50th day. Talking to Paul Shaw afterwards and studying it this week, I realised that ground zero is actually the day before the Resurrection. Now the timeline makes more sense. If some of you are thinking, why is it not the day of the Resurrection, I will explain that shortly. 

But first of all, watch this video of these very dramatic events, today is Pentecost Sunday and we have reason to celebrate !

Up until this moment in history no-one had understood the full meaning of the Old Testament festivals as outlined in the Leviticus laws. We have the privilege of knowing what they represent; 

  1. Passover = Jesus Death on the Cross 
  2. Festival of First Fruits = Jesus Resurrection 
  3. Festival of Weeks = Pentecost 
This was based on the Old Testament law given by God to Moses which said; 

You must count for yourselves seven weeks from the day after the Sabbath, from the day you bring the wave offering sheaf; they must be complete weeks. You must count fifty days - until the day after the seventh Sabbath - and then you must present a new grain offering to the Lord. 

Leviticus 23:15-16 

The day after the Sabbath is which day of the week ? Yes it is Sunday. That is why Saturday is ground zero in the timeline. Sunday is the first day of the week and is the day Jesus was resurrected. That is why Resurrection Day is day one in the timeline. 

This Old Testament Festival of Weeks or Pentecost is what was happening on that Sunday in Jerusalem just 10 days after Jesus ascended into Heaven. As you will remember, Jerusalem was full of people since the start of the Passover Week 8 weeks prior, perhaps 5 or 6 times its normal population of 25,000. The city was swarming with visitors and the Governor Pontius Pilate had the army on full alert. The disciples were keeping a low profile in the Upper Room, making tentative steps to start the Mission which Jesus had just given them by choosing Matthias as the replacement for Judas. They probably had no idea what to do next so they were praying. Does this sound a little like what we would do with an army hunting us down. That’s when the Holy Spirit stepped in ! 

Now when the day of Pentecost had come, they were all together in one place. Suddenly a sound like a violent wind blowing came from heaven and filled the entire house where they were sitting. And tongues spreading out like a fire appeared to them and came to rest on each one of them. All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit, and they began to speak in other languages as the Spirit enabled them. 

Acts 2:1-4 

Just like in Leviticus with the new grain offering, the coming of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost marked the early believers as a new offering to the Lord. 

Are we ready for the Holy Spirit to come into our service like this ? Probably not 😂 Lord I pray each one of us would be ready for your Holy Spirit today ! 

I want to clearly say that the gifts of the Holy Spirit are for today. It is very strange that some Christian teachers teach that what happened to the early church was just a kick start and the gifts of the Holy Spirit finished after the Apostles all died out. 

This cannot be true and I’m sure Peter, James, John and Paul would be horrified to think that way of thinking had come into the Church. How can we achieve anything spiritual without the gifts of the Holy Spirit ? 

We cannot live an abundant Christian life and have a healthy Church without us all being filled and growing in the Holy Spirit. 

But some teachers say that the gift of tongues is the evidence of being filled with the Holy Spirit. It is clear that all were filled with the Holy Spirit but then it says they spoke in other languages as the Spirit enabled them. So possibly not all of them did although I think it’s probable they did. 

Remember the situation in Jerusalem at that moment. The gift of tongues was strategically needed so that the Gospel could be communicated quickly to all the travellers to Jerusalem from the many different foreign lands who would soon be going home. The Holy Spirit acted quickly to get the message out. Imagine if the disciples had been caught by the Romans and the Jewish Leaders before that had happened, the Church could have been nipped in the bud. 

But there are many other evidences for someone being filled with the Holy Spirit so don’t worry if Tongues is not your gift. 

Now there are different gifts, but the same Spirit. And there are different ministries, but the same Lord. And there are different results, but the same God who produces all of them in everyone. To each person the manifestation of the Spirit is given for the benefit of all. For one person is given through the Spirit the message of wisdom, and another the message of knowledge according to the same Spirit, to another faith by the same Spirit, and to another gifts of healing by the one Spirit, to another performance of miracles, to another prophecy, and to another discernment of spirits, to another different kinds of tongues, and to another the interpretation of tongues. It is one and the same Spirit, distributing as he decides to each person, who produces all these things. 

1 Corinthians 12:4-11 

Satan trembles when he sees even one baby Christian gifted with the Holy Spirit. Just imagine when the whole Body of Christ grows strong in the Lord. You might not think your gift of wisdom is very much compared to the gift of miracles but it terrifies the Devil ! 

So let us encourage and pray for one another to receive whatever gifts the Holy Spirit wants to give each one of us to build up the whole of PCC. Because every believer already has at least one gift and can receive more as they grow in Christ. 

Satan will pull out all stops to discourage and disrupt the work of the Holy Spirit so we need to be discerning especially in these dangerous times we are living in, because in this globally connected world, many voices are competing for our attention and creating confusion. Sometimes it is necessary to identify what something is not before we identify what it is. 

Dear friends, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to determine if they are from God, because many false prophets have gone out into the world. By this you know the Spirit of God: Every spirit that confesses Jesus as the Christ who has come in the flesh is from God, but every spirit that refuses to confess Jesus, that spirit is not from God, and this is the spirit of the antichrist, which you have heard is coming, and now is already in the world. 

1 John 4:1-3 

For example, I don’t want to offend anyone but I am very cautious over the teaching that places the Holy Spirit as the mother in the godhead. This is not Biblical Christianity but an overextension of what the Bible says and is dangerous. Jesus repeatedly used the masculine pronoun for the Holy Spirit in John 16. 

But when he, the Spirit of truth, comes, he will guide you into all truth. For he will not speak on his own authority, but will speak whatever he hears, and will tell you what is to come. He will glorify me, because he will receive from me what is mine and will tell it to you. Everything that the Father has is mine; that is why I said the Spirit will receive from me what is mine and will tell it to you. In a little while you will see me no longer; again after a little while, you will see me.” 

John 16:13-16 

This brings us to the 2nd example which is that Satan is a counterfeiter and not everything that looks good is truly the Holy Spirit. I have seen videos on experiences people have in the Hindu religion and it looks exactly the same as what you would see in a charismatic Church - shaking, spontaneous laughter, falling over etc. Yet we know for sure that the Holy Spirit is not the one manifesting in the Hindu Temples. Some Churches have yoga on the weekly agenda but this is of a different spirit, not the Holy Spirit. We need to be discerning. 

As a 3rd example, neither is the Holy Spirit present in a Spiritualist Church where Mediums speak comforting messages which supposedly are from God. If you don’t know the difference between a Spiritualist Church and a Christian Church, please see one of the Elders. It is not the Holy Spirit speaking to you but one that will try to deceive and destroy you no matter how good it sounds. 

Let’s be on guard against wolves coming in disguise as sheep. 

Just because of the challenges of discernment, we don’t throw the baby out with the bath water as some Christian teachers do. In fact we need to press in to receive more of the Holy Spirit in our lives. 

I am currently working in Risk Management. People in Risk don’t tend to have too many mates at the Christmas Office Party but I suppose it was the same with the Old Testament prophets back in the day. Just when the good times are rolling, the Prophet turns up. Nevertheless, I thought it would be quite useful to talk about Risk strategy when it comes to the topic of discerning the Holy Spirit. There are basically 4 approaches you can use to manage risk. 

  1. Avoid - That’s when you look at the mountain and decide it’s too dangerous to even try to climb it. Some Christians don’t want to even go there with the Holy Spirit. It’s the ultimate safe option but it’s a boring and unsatisfying life if you avoid all risks. 
  2. Accept - That’s where you just accept whatever happens and allow things to continue unchecked. You hear it said that when it comes to prophecy it doesn’t matter if we make mistakes because it’s all part of the learning experience. This is a good strategy when the overall risk is low but it is reckless when there are evil spirits out to deceive us. 
  3. Transfer - That’s where you transfer the risk elsewhere like with Insurance. You pay the other party to manage the risk. Someone has a spiritual problem so you send them to a counsellor, to the doctor, to someone else who will take care of it. In some cases that is wise, but it avoids the opportunity to grow. The Holy Spirit may be wanting us to step out in faith and build up the body of Christ here at PCC which brings us to the option outlined in the New Testament. 
  4. Mitigate - In this case you put controls in place to minimise the risk and that makes for a safe and exciting time for all. You climb the mountain with the right equipment, safety hooks, harnesses, climbing boots and so on. Paul was insistent on order in the Church. Tongues with interpretation. Prophets speaking in their turn and so on. Pastoral oversight means to oversee not to overlook. 
“Watch out for false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing but inwardly are voracious wolves. You will recognise them by their fruit. Grapes are not gathered from thorns or figs from thistles, are they? In the same way, every good tree bears good fruit, but the bad tree bears bad fruit. A good tree is not able to bear bad fruit, nor a bad tree to bear good fruit. Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. So then, you will recognise them by their fruit.” 

Matthew 7:15-20 

With God, things usually take time, we shouldn’t expect instant results. We don’t plant an orange tree and expect a crop of oranges immediately. A fruit tree needs the right conditions and it needs care. It must be planted in the right position in the garden in good prepared soil just right for it (some prefer more acidic, some alkaline). It also needs feeding and regular pruning, cutting back even when it starts to bear fruit. You have to wait 3-5 years before you get a good crop. Jesus said; 

I am the true vine and my Father is the gardener. He takes away every branch that does not bear fruit in me. He prunes every branch that bears fruit so that it will bear more fruit. 

John 15:1-2 

But without the light (truth), warmth (fire), water (Spirit) along with the nutrients (the Word), the tree will not grow to its potential. We have an Avocado tree in our garden that despite being placed in a good position, simply doesn’t grow. Something is wrong, we haven’t taken full care of it I suppose. The Holy Spirit gives life to us and helps us grow and produce good fruit in our lives. Without the Holy Spirit, our lives will be fruitless. Paul went even further; 

But I say, live by the Spirit and you will not carry out the desires of the flesh. For the flesh has desires that are opposed to the Spirit, and the Spirit has desires that are opposed to the flesh, for these are in opposition to each other, so that you cannot do what you want. But if you are led by the Spirit, you are not under the law. Now the works of the flesh are obvious: sexual immorality, impurity, depravity, idolatry, sorcery, hostilities, strife, jealousy, outbursts of anger, selfish rivalries, dissensions, factions, envying, murder, drunkenness, carousing, and similar things. I am warning you, as I had warned you before: Those who practice such things will not inherit the kingdom of God! 

Galatians 5:16-21 

 Desire can soon get out of control. If we don’t allow the Holy Spirit to win the fight against our own passions we will find ourselves in trouble. A tree can quickly die of neglect. But if we patiently allow the Holy Spirit to keep working in us, removing the weeds, we will in the right time bear fruit. Galatians 5:22-23 says 

But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. Against such things there is no law. 

Today is the celebration of Pentecost, last week was the Ascension. We have so much to celebrate. Jesus is at the right hand of the Father and he has sent his Holy Spirit to connect us to him, to the very throne room. Let’s finish with this passage from Romans 8 which sums up very nicely everything we have talked about in the last 2 weeks. 

In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness, for we do not know how we should pray, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with inexpressible groanings. And he who searches our hearts knows the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes on behalf of the saints according to God’s will. And we know that all things work together for good for those who love God, who are called according to his purpose, because those whom he foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the image of his Son, that his Son would be the firstborn among many brothers and sisters. And those he predestined, he also called; and those he called, he also justified; and those he justified, he also glorified. What then shall we say about these things? If God is for us, who can be against us? Indeed, he who did not spare his own Son, but gave him up for us all—how will he not also, along with him, freely give us all things? Who will bring any charge against God’s elect? It is God who justifies. Who is the one who will condemn? Christ is the one who died (and more than that, he was raised), who is at the right hand of God, and who also is interceding for us. Who will separate us from the love of Christ? Will trouble, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or danger, or sword? As it is written, “ For your sake we encounter death all day long; we were considered as sheep to be slaughtered.” No, in all these things we have complete victory through him who loved us! For I am convinced that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor heavenly rulers, nor things that are present, nor things to come, nor powers, nor height, nor depth, nor anything else in creation will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord. 

Romans 8:26-39 

Time to celebrate !

The Ascension

Print Friendly and PDF Ascension Do you know which significant day in the Christian calendar we had on Thursday this week? 

May 13th was Ascension Day. In many countries such as France, Thursday is a public holiday and it is celebrated with a feast. A lot of people take the Friday as a holiday as well. 

We don’t give much thought to the Christian Calendar in New Zealand. We have public holidays for the Birth of Jesus and his Death and Resurrection but most of the dates pass us by. Ascension Day is 85 days after the start of Lent on Ash Wednesday and the Calendar is completed next Sunday which is Pentecost. 

We don’t talk much about the Ascension of Jesus, why is that ? Is it because flying up into the atmosphere without a rocket seems a bit too much like Science Fiction ? Gravity pulls us down because of the great mass of the Earth. But what if the Mass was above us ? Like a magnet picks up metal and not wood, so the Return of Jesus will pick up those with the Spirit of God within and not those without. It’s not so hard to believe the Science !

Last year we started a series on the Apostle’s Creed. We need to ensure our faith is built on the Rock - Jesus, the Word of God, otherwise we will be tossed by every wind of doctrine that sweeps across the Earth especially in these dangerous times we live in. The Ascension is the 6th statement of belief in the Apostle’s Creed. By the time we’ve finished , you will know the Apostle’s Creed by heart. Feel free to join in... 
  1. I believe in God, the Father almighty, Creator of heaven and earth.  
  2. I believe in Jesus Christ, his only Son, our Lord.  
  3. who was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary.  
  4. Suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died, and was buried.  
  5. He descended into Hell. On the third day he rose again from the dead.  
  6. He ascended into heaven and is seated at the right hand of God the Father almighty.  
  7. From there He will come to judge the living and the dead.  
  8. I believe in the Holy Spirit,  
  9. the holy catholic Church, the communion of saints,  
  10. the forgiveness of sins,  
  11. the resurrection of the body,  
  12. and life everlasting.  

The account given by Luke in the first chapter of Acts tells us that it was 40 days from the day that Jesus was resurrected until the day he was taken up into Heaven. 
I wrote the former account, Theophilus, about all that Jesus began to do and teach until the day he was taken up to heaven, after he had given orders by the Holy Spirit to the apostles he had chosen. To the same apostles also, after his suffering, he presented himself alive with many convincing proofs. He was seen by them over a forty-day period and spoke about matters concerning the kingdom of God. While he was with them, he declared, “Do not leave Jerusalem, but wait there for what my Father promised, which you heard about from me. For John baptized with water, but you will be baptized with the Holy Spirit not many days from now.” So when they had gathered together, they began to ask him, “Lord, is this the time when you are restoring the kingdom to Israel?” He told them, “You are not permitted to know the times or periods that the Father has set by his own authority. But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the farthest parts of the earth.” After he had said this, while they were watching, he was lifted up and a cloud hid him from their sight. As they were still staring into the sky while he was going, suddenly two men in white clothing stood near them and said, “Men of Galilee, why do you stand here looking up into the sky? This same Jesus who has been taken up from you into heaven will come back in the same way you saw him go into heaven.” 
Acts 1:1-11 

The Ascension is essential to the faith, that’s why it’s in the Creed and why in the future we will physically see him return in the same way. I believe in that moment, our faith will be completed, it will be our scientific proof of all we have ever believed so to speak ! The Angel tied the Ascension to the Return of Jesus and Jesus himself said; 
Then the sign of the Son of Man will appear in heaven, and all the tribes of the earth will mourn. They will see the Son of Man arriving on the clouds of heaven with power and great glory. And he will send his angels with a loud trumpet blast, and they will gather his elect from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other. 
Matthew 24:30-31 

What a great and joyous moment that will be when all believers ever will be gathered together from wherever they are on Earth or in Heaven. Much better than the full time whistle for the winning side at the end of the Cup Final ! 

But what horror it will be be for those who never took the Gospel seriously. All the tribes will mourn, just like when the flood came in the Days of Noah but it will be too late. 

Today though is about the Ascension. If we believe the Resurrection we should surely believe in the Ascension of Jesus. The tomb is empty and the body is missing

It was not the first time that someone ascended alive into Heaven. 

1. In Genesis, it says of Enoch who was Noah’s great grandfather 
Enoch walked with God, and then he disappeared because God took him away. 
Genesis 5:24 

2. Elijah was taken up to heaven in a chariot of fire 
As they were walking along and talking, suddenly a fiery chariot pulled by fiery horses appeared. They went between Elijah and Elisha, and Elijah went up to heaven in a windstorm. 
2 Kings 2:11 

All 3 events are a sign of the coming rapture of the Church where we will be taken alive up to meet Jesus; 
For the Lord himself will come down from heaven with a shout of command, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trumpet of God, and the dead in Christ will rise first. Then we who are alive, who are left, will be suddenly caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And so we will always be with the Lord. 
1 Thessalonians 4:16-17 

This is our great hope to encourage us whenever we face our hardest times... Swing low sweet chariot, coming forth to carry me home ! 

Perhaps we have not considered the full meaning of the Ascension. Let’s take in this good news today ! Significance 
  1. It signalled the end of His earthly ministry. God the Father had lovingly sent His Son into the world to be born in the humblest of fashions in Bethlehem, and now the Son was returning to the Father in great honour. His period of human limitation was at an end. 
  2. It signified success in His earthly mission. All that He had come to do, He had finished. For the thing the Lord has asked us to do, wouldn’t we all also like to hear one day “Well done good and faithful servant”. 
  3. It marked the return of His heavenly glory. Jesus’ glory had been veiled during His time on earth, with one brief exception at the Transfiguration on the Mountain with Peter, James and John and of course Moses and Elijah. (Matthew 17:1-9). Just like in the Grimm Brothers fairy tale “The Boots of Buffalo Leather”, the King was in disguise all along. 
  4. It allowed the Carpenter to start preparing a place for us. Think of your favourite place to go and stay. We can be sure that Jesus is building a wonderful place for us to live in. Jesus told the disciples « There are many dwelling places in my Father’s house. Otherwise, I would have told you, because I am going away to make ready a place for you. » John 14:2 
  5. It was the beginning of His new work as High Priest (Hebrews 4:14-16) and Mediator of the New Covenant (Hebrews 9:15). Hebrews tells in Jesus “we have a great high priest who has passed through the heavens” (Hebrews 4:14),” Mathewson says. “Passed through the heavens” is the ascension language; Jesus passed through the heavens to be seated at the Father’s right hand (Hebrews 1:3). What’s the result? We can now “draw near to the throne of grace, that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need” (Hebrews. 4:16). 
  6. It made way for the coming of the Holy Spirit which we shall talk about next week. It provided an Advocate on earth whose presence is limitless. We can’t imagine the confusion and grief of the disciples when they learned that their teacher and friend would be killed. In John 14:16-17. Jesus has to comfort them with the promise that the Father will send another advocate, the Spirit of Truth. “How is Jesus’s leaving an advantage for his disciples?” The answer is simple, yet profound,” Mathewson says. “The incarnate Jesus was limited by space and time. He couldn’t be with each one of his followers at once. If he had stayed on earth, he couldn’t have been there simultaneously for Peter in Rome and John on the island of Patmos. But the Holy Spirit can. His empowering presence is available to all of us everywhere at the same time.” 
  7. It gives us the spoils of Christ’s victory - gifted leaders and spiritual gifts. “Paul told us in Ephesians 4:8-12 "Now what is the meaning of “ he ascended,” except that he also descended to the lower regions, namely, the earth? He, the very one who descended, is also the one who ascended above all the heavens, in order to fill all things. And he himself gave some as apostles, some as prophets, some as evangelists, and some as pastors and teachers, to equip the saints for the work of ministry, that is, to build up the body of Christ" without the Ascension, we would not have these gifts and the Church would not have grown. 
  8. It set the pattern for His return. When Jesus comes to set up the Kingdom, He will return just as He left-literally, bodily, and visibly in the clouds (Acts 1:11; Daniel 7:13-14; Matthew 24:30; Revelation 1:7). 
  9. It gave us a sure and certain hope for the future which the world does not have. Once you’ve gotten close to someone and spent significant time in their presence, their absence feels like a massive void. It is the same with Jesus for us as believers, and especially for his first disciples. He isn’t here in the flesh with us now, but He one day will be, and our hearts yearn for that day. We know he will set all things right and bring us close to Him for all eternity. “The ascension creates a longing for Jesus’s return,” says Mathewson. “It reminds us his reign is “already” but “not yet.” When Jesus descends in the way he ascended, the bad times will be over for good, the darkness will lift, and everything sad will at last come untrue.” 
  10. The Father crowned him King of Kings and Lord of Lords and Head of the Church. Ephesians 1:20-23 tells us This power he exercised in Christ when he raised him from the dead and seated him at his right hand in the heavenly realms far above every rule and authority and power and dominion and every name that is named, not only in this age but also in the one to come. And God put all things under Christ’s feet, and gave him to the church as head over all things. Now the church is his body, the fullness of him who fills all in all. The One with whom the Father is well pleased (Matthew 17:5) was received up in honor and given a name above all names (Philippians 2:9). It establishes Jesus as the reigning King over all powers in all ages. We can call Ascension Day, Coronation Day. Jesus was crowned King of Kings and Lord of Lords on Ascension Day. For God was pleased to have all his fullness dwell in the Son and through him to reconcile all things to himself by making peace through the blood of his cross—through him, whether things on earth or things in heaven. Colossians 1:19-20 
You may look at the world today and think that it doesn’t look like Jesus is on the throne. The world is a mess of betrayal, cold and darkness, full of hatred and sorrow. Which Nation is a shining light ? Not one ! 

But the question is, is Jesus the King of the Nations of the world and ultimately of you and me ? 

Not too many of us here today were alive for the Coronation of Queen Elizabeth II. So I thought it would be good to watch a few minutes just to get a glimpse of the occasion. Listen to the words spoken over the young Queen, as she took them to heart.


Do the people of France care about the coronation of the Queen. No ! She is not their Queen. They were not born in the UK. They are just across the Channel but they are not her people and she is not their Queen. 

In the same way, you may be a good person, a Muslim, a Hindu, a Buddhist. But if you are not part of the Church then Jesus is not your King. What must you do ? You must become a citizen of the Kingdom of God ! 

You may be surprised to know that there are 54 nations in the Commonwealth. If you are a citizen of those countries then Elizabeth is your Queen. 

Of course we know that Australia and New Zealand are part of the Commonwealth as well as countries like Canada and India. But did you know that Elizabeth is the Queen of Pakistan, Bangladesh, Rwanda and Mozambique as well ? 

There are forces within a country that want to have the power in the Nation. They want to usurp the Queen. Elizabeth is not truly ruling over Pakistan, Muhammad is. Here in this nation, there are people who want New Zealand to become a republic and have a new flag. 

Dare I say it, Queen Elizabeth’s time is nearly over. She has been faithful to the words spoken over her at her Coronation and she will go to her eternal reward. There will be a new King of the Commonwealth and the 54 nations have a choice to make once more. Who will they bow to. I say “Long live the King !”. 

I'm using the Queen as an illustration only. 

Choose your King wisely. Make your declaration today and get your passport before it’s too late. Jesus is the King who coming soon. Jesus said; 
When the Son of Man comes in his glory and all the angels with him, then he will sit on his glorious throne. All the nations will be assembled before him, and he will separate people one from another like a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats. 
Matthew 25:31-32 

Please note that you won’t be able to protest about inclusivity for all then. 

George Frideric Handel composed Messiah in an astounding three to four weeks during August and September 1741, writing morning to night almost non-stop. We will finish with his most famous piece the Hallelujah Chorus !


  1. https://www.thegospelcoalition.org/article/4-reasons-ascension-matters/
  2. https://www.crosswalk.com/blogs/christian-trends/why-is-the-ascension-of-jesus-so-important-to-christians.html 
  3. https://www.gotquestions.org/ascension-Jesus-Christ.html

Basket Cases

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As I shared last week, I was very recently reading Luke 9 and got so much from it. And a good thing too. When the notices came out on Thursday, I got a surprise when I saw I was down to preach ! As it so happens, my Dad is also preaching on the feeding of the 5000 this weekend so with a visit to Whangarei already planned for yesterday, I was able to come back with his message today 😊 So that scripture from John 12:49 has come true today in my life; 

For I did not speak on my own, but the Father who sent me commanded me to say all that I have spoken. 

 Just preceding the feeding of the 5000, the disciples had been sent out with specific instructions to take nothing and they went and successfully proclaimed the good news and healed the sick, surely enough to help attract the great crowds to come and listen to Jesus so they should have been filled with faith... 

There are two miracles which appear in all 4 gospels….the feeding of the 5000 and the resurrection and it is important to read all 4 gospels to get the full story from the different accounts  of the 4 writers. The fact that both these miracles are in all 4 gospels is significant and they both demonstrate the power of Jesus.  We’re going to look at this morning the miracle of the feeding of the 5 thousand. 

After Jesus called the twelve together, he gave them power and authority over all demons and to cure diseases, and he sent them out to proclaim the kingdom of God and to heal the sick. He said to them, “Take nothing for your journey—no staff, no bag, no bread, no money, and do not take an extra tunic. Whatever house you enter, stay there until you leave the area. Wherever they do not receive you, as you leave that town, shake the dust off your feet as a testimony against them.” Then they departed and went throughout the villages, proclaiming the good news and healing people everywhere. Now Herod the tetrarch heard about everything that was happening, and he was thoroughly perplexed, because some people were saying that John had been raised from the dead, while others were saying that Elijah had appeared, and still others that one of the prophets of long ago had risen. Herod said, “I had John beheaded, but who is this about whom I hear such things?” So Herod wanted to learn about Jesus. Luke 9:1-9 

The interest was stirred from the lowest to the highest in the land. We’ll watch this YouTube video as the Preacher Robert Morris picks up the story from Luke 9:10-17


If you take the average family as around 4 or 5 then that means something like 20 to 25 thousand people were there that day to hear Jesus …almost certainly one of the largest crowds He ever taught. Try and imagine yourself as one of the disciples that day. You’d been there all day listening to Jesus teaching the crowds, healing those that came to Him and it is now getting very late. Then Jesus asks this question which we will call THE GREAT TEST.  “How are we going to feed all these people he asks?” I would imagine the disciples having a chat and then they come up with 3 answers:-  

  1. The ECONOMIC ANSWER when Philip (who was from Bethsaida so knew the local economy) said it would take more than 200 silver coins  to  buy enough bread to feed them. (John 6:7)
  2. The RESOURCEFUL ANSWER when Andrew (the fisherman) said “There’s a boy here with 5 loaves and 2 fish, but they will certainly not be enough for all these people (John 6:8-9)
  3. The POLITICAL ANSWER (they had a vote) when they all said “Send the people away.” (Matt 14:15, Mark 6:35-36, Luke 9:12)  
We are very good at diverting the problem somewhere else when it’s in the too hard basket. THEY ALL FAILED THE TEST….Jesus tested them “Where can we buy enough food to feed all these people…I’m trying to teach you something here. Face up to the situation but don’t come up with Economic, Resourceful; or Political answers which is exactly what they did …..would we have been any different? What was Jesus response “You give them something to eat” (Matt.14:16, Mark 6:37, Luke 9:13). 

Then Jesus led them on to the SIMPLE SECRET which it says He already had in mind. (John 6:6) That was simply to release the resources. Release your resources to me…. Jesus was never discouraged by slender resources….notice He didn’t say “is that all you’ve got”. He took the loaves and fish, gave thanks to God, then broke the loaves and divided the fish and then what?….. Jesus gave them to the disciples to distribute…..think about that…..they were given back the broken (but blessed) 5 loaves and 2 fish and now had to go to the crowd of 20000 plus with what appeared to be same resources. When exactly did the fish and loaves multiply? It appears to have been as the disciples served the crowd. And then the great miracle happened as the disciples did what Jesus told them to do. Everyone was fed and there was also heaps left over 12 baskets full in fact.   

Churches don’t need to raise money for anything BUT we do need to RELEASE it, release the resources we have and He will do the rest…that’s the SIMPLE SECRET. Each one of us here this morning is a “picnic lunch” whom God is waiting to use. The impact of this one picnic lunch released to Jesus was to feed thousands of men, women and children.  And it didn’t stop there because it’s impact has also meant that millions of others down through the years since it happened have heard the story and also in several million cases have understood the lesson that Jesus was teaching and acted on it.   

The full impact of what you and I do as we release what we have to Jesus may not be known until long after we’ve departed from this life but the SIMPLE SECRET is that God will multiply whatever we release to HIM. God will take whatever you and I give Him and give it eagle’s wings to achieve much more than you and I can ever dream of….but we must release what we have. I suspect that this little boy was sitting pretty close to Jesus. When you think about it he didn’t need to be fed. His Mum had prepared a pretty big picnic lunch…5 loaves and 2 fish….but he gave them anyway…. and by releasing them they were used to feed thousands. And the UNEXPECTED result is that this local miracle has been TRANSFORMED to impact you and I today along with millions of others.   

But we can be assured that whatever has been released to God is being multiplied by God’s power whether we see the results or not. 

The heart of Christian faith lies in this daily expectation of miracles.   

Faith is not a feeling, nor is it fanaticism, it’s not an influence, a technique, a special way of speaking or an escape from reality. Faith is reckoning upon God, in every situation that life presents us with and counting upon divine direction, in every circumstance and emergency relying on divine help, with every need seeking divine resources, being conscious of God’s presence at all times.  And more often than not our faith will be tested by ADVERSITY.  Expect it but don’t go looking for it…remember that God is with you whatever storms come your way in life. Jesus was in the boat when the storm came to test the disciples faith. Immediately after this miracle Jesus made the disciples get into a boat and they obeyed Him and so they were in His will but then came a storm.  James tells us to count ourselves fortunate when trials come our way. The truth is that you’re either in a trial right now, just coming out of one or heading towards one.   

In Hebrews Chapter 11 we find that men and women of great faith are most often people who have little or no faith in themselves. Too often in life we focus on ourselves, our weaknesses and in our humanness allow them to restrict us from becoming what God intends us to be. The apostle Paul reminds us that in his human weakness He found God’s strength. When I am weak then I am strong” he says And God’s word to him was “My grace is all you need, for my power is greatest when you are weak’. I’m sure that God’s word to all of us is the same.” My grace is all you need, for my power is greatest when you are weak.”   

One spiritual principle emphasised throughout scripture is that GOD TABERNACLES IN WEAKNESS. One writer highlighted some of these examples from scripture to combat the excuses we make to God regarding our weaknesses. HE said this 

“You may think there are many reasons why God shouldn’t call you…..don’t worry you are in good company. Moses stuttered, David’s armour didn’t fit, Hosea’s wife was a prostitute, Jacob was a liar, Solomon was too rich, Jesus was too poor, Abraham was too old, David was too young, Jeremiah was depressed and suicidal, Elijah was burned out, Samson had long hair, Noah got drunk, Peter was afraid of death, Lazarus was dead"...

and so on. If we were chosen on our merits none of us would be called, but God calls each one of us to serve Him. Satan looks back and sees and reminds us of our mistakes, God looks back and sees the cross. Satan says, “You’re not worthy” Jesus says “So what I am”. Let God work through you and He will make mincemeat of your limitations.” The Christian life has to move at some stage from observing to serving, and looking beyond our weaknesses and slender resources. Prior to this miracle Jesus had demonstrated God’s authority and power in His teaching and healing….all this time the disciples had been observing. Now comes the test….Jesus said “You give them something to eat.”   

Many Christians get overwhelmed by the size of the task God has asked them to do. They don’t see how it can be done knowing their own skill set, their meagre resources, their lack of influence. The truth is we can’t do it but what we can do is give what we have to Jesus. 

So instead of worrying about something we do not possess, it is a question of letting the Spirit release from within us what we already have in Christ. Our task as Jesus tells us is to abide in Him and then trust His Spirit to work in and through us.      

God given FAITH is required not FAITH in FAITH….so ask for it and it is yours.  Madame Guyon a Frenchwoman who lived back in the 16th century said “If knowing all of life’s questions is absolutely necessary to you, then forget the journey. You will never make it. For the Christian journey is a journey of unknowables, of unanswered questions, enigmas, incomprehensibles, and most of all, things unfair.

What is my response today to Jesus saying to me “You give them something to eat.” I think of the little corner of France I’ve been called to and it’s easy for me to think it’s impossible ! I’m sure you can feel like that too. 

If He is speaking to any of you here today ask the Holy Spirit to help you as I am doing in my situation and He will.   

It should not be a surprise that God is calling you to step out of your comfort zone and beyond the economic, resourceful and political answers we all tend to come up with. The call is to give our slender resources to Him and leave the multiplication to Him. 

This is the verse that jumped out at me from Luke 9:17

They all ate and were satisfied, and the disciples picked up twelve basketfuls of broken pieces that were left over. 

I want to conclude by saying that nothing we do in obedience to the Lord will ever be wasted even if it costs us everything.    

Resurrection Day

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Quick Quiz 

  1. Jesus kept a tidy bedroom - True / False
    A: True - and the face cloth, which had been around Jesus’ head, not lying with the strips of linen cloth but rolled up in a place by itself.  John 20:7 
  2. Where was the tomb located ? - Arimathea / Calvary / Garden of Gethsemane / Mount of Olives
    A: CalvaryNow at the place where Jesus was crucified there was a garden, and in the garden was a new tomb where no one had yet been buried. John 19:41 
  3. Who rolled the stone in front of the tomb on Friday ?
    A: Joseph of Aramithea - Joseph took the body, wrapped it in a clean linen cloth, and placed it in his own new tomb that he had cut in the rock. Then he rolled a great stone across the entrance of the tomb and went away Matthew 27:59-60 
  4. Who rolled aside the stone on Sunday ?                                                                                     A: The Angel of the Lord - And, behold, there was a great earthquake: for the angel of the Lord descended from heaven, and came and rolled back the stone from the door, and sat upon it. Matthew 28:2 (KJV emphasis on "The Angel" rather "an Angel")
  5. Who was the first of Jesus’ followers to see him on Sunday morning ?
    Mary MagdaleneMary Magdalene came and informed the disciples, “I have seen the Lord!” And she told them what Jesus had said to her.. John 20:18 (read from v10)
12 years ago it was nearly Easter and I was preparing for my first ever sermon. I had broken my leg playing football only 5 months before and I was just about up and walking properly again. My plans to start a Soccer Academy had come to fruition just one week before I broke my leg during Labour weekend 2008, it felt like such a disaster at the time ! But with help from others, the Soccer Academy continued through to Summer with me on crutches and by Autumn, the opportunity to preach came up for Easter. Funnily enough, I can also pinpoint the start of our journey to France to that very week in April 2009. My old life died when I broke my leg and a new life was born ! 

It seemed fitting today to revisit that message I gave back then on Resurrection Sunday 2009. At the same time, we have been doing a 12 part series on the Apostles Creed and the resurrection of Jesus nearly 2000 years ago and of the Dead in the future is an essential part of the Christian faith. It is our great hope enough to sustain us for whatever life may throw at us. How the World needs this Good News right now ! 

Apostles Creed 
  1. I believe in God, the Father almighty, Creator of heaven and earth. 
  2. I believe in Jesus Christ, his only Son, our Lord. 
  3. who was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary. 
  4. Suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died, and was buried. 
  5. He descended into Hell. On the third day he rose again from the dead
  6. He ascended into heaven and is seated at the right hand of God the Father almighty. 
  7. From there He will come to judge the living and the dead. 
  8. I believe in the Holy Spirit, 
  9. the holy catholic Church, the communion of saints, 
  10. the forgiveness of sins, 
  11. the resurrection of the body
  12. and life everlasting. 

Yes, I believe in the Resurrection of Jesus Christ and of the Dead, do you ? 

We can examine the Easter story from a Prophetic point of view and see how all the prophecies written hundreds of years beforehand concerning the coming of the Messiah and his death and resurrection were fulfilled in Jesus Christ. We won’t go into those today but I’m happy to go over them with you later if you are interested. 
Most people should be able to apply the KISS principle in order to believe in life after death just by looking at nature. How Spring follows Winter when seed springs to life, how a caterpillar turns into a butterfly. Some will be convinced by the testimonies of people who have had a Near Death Experience (NDE). 

Again we won’t go into some examples today even though they are proof enough. The Bible says; 
But someone will say, “How are the dead raised? With what kind of body will they come?” Fool! What you sow will not come to life unless it dies. And what you sow is not the body that is to be, but a bare seed —perhaps of wheat or something else. But God gives it a body just as he planned, and to each of the seeds a body of its own. 
1 Corinthians 15:35-38 

Today I am going to use information gathered from the books written by;
  1. former sceptics such as the lawyer Frank Morison (Who Moved the Stone ?
  2. former agnostics like the student Josh McDowell (Evidence that Demands a Verdict)
  3. former atheists like the journalist Lee Strobel (The Case for Christ) 
  4. and the cold case detective J Warner Wallace (Cold Case Christianity) 
who came to believe because of the facts. I highly recommend you read any one or all of these books ! This morning we’re only going to look at the facts of the Resurrection as presented in the gospels. It has been said that there is far more evidence for the truth of the resurrection than any event of that time. This is the most important event in history. If it is true and we fully believe it, then what devoted happy lives we should be living ! Amazingly, it can be measured. The time is known, the place is known and the story is laid out clearly. But don’t expect to get too much help from the scientific world. It doesn’t seem interested in looking. Thankfully God has placed a desire to know the truth in each one of us and we can think it through for ourselves. 

I do want to add that science isn’t everything despite what you see on programs like CSI. We all know of cases where someone who was obviously guilty got off on some technicality or someone not guilty was convicted based on poor assessment of the facts or corrupted evidence. Science can sometimes get hung up on small details just like we can. I think it is so important to read these accounts with the big picture in mind and to put questions on small details to one side to be answered later. 

The big facts are; 
  1. The Number of Witnesses Here in the gospels we have the eye witness accounts of 4 followers of Christ which tell us that 11 disciples, several women and family members and more than 500 other witnesses actually saw Jesus Christ alive and well after he had been crucified, died and been buried. The Bible says that you only need 2 witnesses to establish a fact, but here we have several hundred.
  2. The empty tomb. No one at that time could deny that Jesus’ body was missing. 
  3. The Disciples were Martyred The disciples never backed down from their claim and most died for that. They had no choice – they had seen and touched him. In fact Jesus told Thomas 
Jesus said to him, “Have you believed because you have seen me? Blessed are the people who have not seen and yet have believed.” 
John 20:29 

So just as important as those big 3 facts are your belief and experience of Jesus at work in your life, the things that he has done for you. These eye witness accounts and personal testimony are just as valid as scientific evidence, and incidentally in all this time science has not even come close to proving the Resurrection story is false. 

Nevertheless it is worth today to look at how the world has tried to explain away the Resurrection. When you hear the arguments that have been put forward by the sceptics and balance that against your own knowledge of the truth and personal experience, I am confident you will cast any doubts aside and believe just as the writers intended. 

Let’s have a look at these false explanations of the Resurrection. As the Cold Case Detective would say, we want to eliminate the wrong suspects from our enquiries and having eliminated all the other suspects, be left with the truth. First of all then; 

1. Swoon Theory: That Jesus didn’t actually die but somehow revived in the tomb, rolled the stone away, walked out and recovered. To do this Jesus would have had to survive the beating and lashing he received that ripped open his flesh, the nails in his hands and feet, more than 6 hours nailed to the cross, and a spear thrust into his side and up into his heart. Then after 2 nights in the cold tomb and in critical condition with severe loss of blood, roll the very heavy stone away (up to 2 tonne), walk out past the Roman Guard, and within a few hours appear to the women and disciples fit and well. We can very safely assume the executioners had done their job and that Jesus had died. When Jesus was speared, doctors say that the blood and water coming out was proof of death. John who was at the crucifixion testified; 
But when they came to Jesus and saw that he was already dead, they did not break his legs. But one of the soldiers pierced his side with a spear, and blood and water flowed out immediately. And the person who saw it has testified (and his testimony is true, and he knows that he is telling the truth), so that you also may believe. 
John 19:33-35 

2. Hallucination – The people that claim they saw Christ after he died were only hallucinating. Well that sure was a lot of people hallucinating! This theory is very poor for a number of reasons; 
  • The number of witnesses – 1 Corinthians 15:3-8 tells us For I passed on to you as of first importance what I also received—that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures, and that he was buried, and that he was raised on the third day according to the scriptures, and that he appeared to Cephas, then to the twelve. Then he appeared to more than 500 of the brothers and sisters at one time, most of whom are still alive, though some have fallen asleep. Then he appeared to James, then to all the apostles. Last of all, as though to one born at the wrong time, he appeared to me also. 
  • The number of sightings – at the tomb, on the road to Emmaus, the upper room on 2 occasions, at the lake and on the Mount of Olives. 
  • They were physical encounters not just sightings. Jesus encouraged the disciples to touch him and told Thomas to put his hand in the holes in his hands and side. 
  • They all testified the same type of story that they had heard him speak, seen him, touched him and eaten with him. With a hallucination you would find that one person’s was quite different from another’s. Hallucinations are very individualistic in that respect. 
3. Impersonation – The person they met wasn’t the real Jesus. It’s true that quite often in their encounters, people didn’t recognise him or naturally doubted at first. In one of the funniest passages in the bible in Matthew 28:16-17 we’re told So the eleven disciples went to Galilee to the mountain Jesus had designated. When they saw him, they worshiped him, but some doubted
However the fact they didn’t recognise him was more to do with; 
  • They weren’t expecting to see a dead man alive again
  • His body was resurrected and was somewhat different. 
However their lack of recognition was always temporary and after hearing him speak or eating with him, the Bible tells us suddenly they would recognise him. It is not possible that an impostor could have fooled his family not to mention the disciples who’d been living and travelling with him those last 3 years. Also could anyone other than the Son of God have ascended into Heaven right before their eyes? 

4. Spiritual Resurrection – This theory was sadly put forward by modern scholars. They say that the story is only an illustration of the truth of new life after death. So what they’re really saying is that Christ’s body remained in the tomb. They’re missing one crucial fact – the empty tomb! But also the encounters were definitely physical not spiritual. Jesus told the disciples specifically that he was definitely not a ghost. In Luke 24:39 “Look at my hands and my feet; it’s me! Touch me and see; a ghost does not have flesh and bones like you see I have.” 

In fact Jesus resurrected body should give us great hope of a physical resurrection; 
  • He could appear in different forms so they didn’t recognise him (Mark 16:12
  • He could eat 
  • He could appear and disappear 
  • He could pass through solid objects like the door not because he was a ghost but as Winkie Pratney said, because he was more solid than the door! 
5. The Wrong Tomb – The suggestion here is that the women and the disciples went to the wrong tomb. This is not credible for several reasons; 
  • The tomb was right there at Calvary where the crucifixion had taken place 
  • The women and John who were at the crucifixion could see the body being buried a short distance away. One may have been mistaken but not all of them. 
Now at the place where Jesus was crucified there was a garden, and in the garden was a new tomb where no one had yet been buried. And so, because it was the Jewish day of preparation and the tomb was nearby, they placed Jesus’ body there. 
John 19:41-42 
  • There was a Roman seal on the tomb with guards standing over it and it was easily identifiable 
The next day (which is after the day of preparation) the chief priests and the Pharisees assembled before Pilate and said, “Sir, we remember that while that deceiver was still alive he said, ‘After three days I will rise again.’ So give orders to secure the tomb until the third day. Otherwise his disciples may come and steal his body and say to the people, ‘He has been raised from the dead,’ and the last deception will be worse than the first.” Pilate said to them, “Take a guard of soldiers. Go and make it as secure as you can.” So they went with the soldiers of the guard and made the tomb secure by sealing the stone. 
Matthew 27:62-66 
  • Most importantly, Jesus’ enemies the Jewish Leaders and the Romans could not produce the body or show the correct tomb. The body was definitely missing and the tomb was definitely empty 
6. Theft – All of the previous theories are ruled out leaving the only one the Jewish Leaders could offer at the time. That the disciples had stolen the body. Actually they knew it wasn’t true but they wanted to try and squash the story there and then. This is found in Matthew 28:12-15 
After they had assembled with the elders and formed a plan, they gave a large sum of money to the soldiers, telling them, “You are to say, ‘His disciples came at night and stole his body while we were asleep.’ If this matter is heard before the governor, we will satisfy him and keep you out of trouble.” So they took the money and did as they were instructed. And this story is told among the Jews to this day. 

Apart from what is written in Matthew about the bribes, what else points to the claim that the disciples stole the body being false? 
  • The evidence of the linen cloth and swath being left behind neatly folded. People hurrying to steal a body wouldn’t bother to undress it and leave the clothes folded neatly behind. That clearly points to Jesus himself.  This detail is quite humorous to me, personally I think Jesus knew his Mum was coming down to the tomb later and he knew he’d better leave a tidy bed ! 
  • The disciples were not willing or able to take on a Roman guard of well disciplined battle ready soldiers; 
    • Their hopes and dreams of Jesus being the Messiah had been crushed 
    • They were grief stricken over the loss of their friend 
    • They had all run away less than 2 days before and were hiding in the upper room. Only the women were brave enough to venture out first thing on Sunday morning. 
    • The only fighting man among them was Simon the Zealot 
  • There was no reason to move him. Jesus had been buried honourably in the best tomb paid for by a rich man 
  • It didn’t do them any favours to tell people that Jesus was alive – they were persecuted and eventually killed because of their testimony. If they had stolen the body, then all but one of them died for a lie. 
So there you have them. Six suspects ruled out because they don’t stack up under cross examination. Still you have to explain the empty tomb. 

 So who do you believe? The eye witness accounts or the critics writing 2000 years later? 

All of which leaves us with the only true explanation, that Jesus really did rise from the dead. This is what the gospel writers wanted us to know about God. That in his kindness, all he wants from us so we can be saved is our belief. Believing in the Resurrection is the key to our salvation. God promises in Romans 10:9 
“For if you tell others with your own mouth that Jesus Christ is your Lord, and believe in your own heart that God has raised him from the dead, you will be saved”. 

Since Jesus is alive today, we don’t have to travel back in time to meet him, we can go to him now. The old time preacher DL Moody once preached a very simple message “Do you believe that Jesus died on a cross and was raised from the dead. Then why don’t you thank him for it?” Thousands were saved because of it. 

That week and a half back in April 2009 as I prepared for my first sermon on April 12th, I sat down and read the accounts in Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, and tried to put myself in the story. I’d encourage you to do the same. The more I read and challenged them with my own questions, the more sense they made to me. They seem so full of real responses, of accurate pictures of ordinary life being invaded by the extraordinary and in no way do they attempt to gloss over the weaknesses of the characters in the story. They don’t paint the disciples as heroic souls who battled against the Romans and fought for Jesus. They are very honest accounts of doubt, of fear and surprise and joy found in a new reality with real hope. 

That really is the challenge for me. That having been convinced about the Resurrection and receiving the new life, of then letting it motivate and change me on a daily basis. Then telling others what I’ve discovered. Yes we need to believe for our salvation but we owe God more than just belief. What does this mean to you? How do you answer Jesus’ question; 
“Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life. The one who believes in me will live even if he dies, and the one who lives and believes in me will never die. Do you believe this?” 
John 11:25-26