Read Matthew 16:13-28. One minute they're having a pleasant walk together, enjoying each others company. The next, Jesus is talking about the end of the world, shouldering your cross and throwing away your life for His sake.
"Who do you think I Am?" is the question Jesus asked to them. Peter replied "You're the Messiah". It wasn't the pat answer from the head. It was straight from Peter's heart. No-one had taught Peter that - he just knew. Jesus told Peter that God had revealed that truth to Peter. Peter felt great. "I must be something special, a bit ahead of the others" he thought to himself.
So when Jesus switched the conversation to the dark and disturbing, Peter thought he would encourage Jesus and change topics - "You shouldn't say things like that", he told Jesus.
Jesus turned and said to Peter very sternly "Satan, get behind me". In other words you're going ahead of me - your pride is taking over. You're getting too big for your boots. You're speaking for Satan!!!
Quite frankly following Jesus IS disturbing. One moment cruising along, life's wonderful, you got the the inside knowledge, "Praise God I'm Saved". The next, some sin, some little scripture, the horror of thinking you are lost, cut off from God, without hope. You don't believe me, read the Psalms! I know that's how Peter would have felt.
It's not easy! You do have to give up your life, take up your cross and follow Him. Peter had given up everything to follow Jesus. He naturally felt good about himself because his life measured up. That was until Jesus was arrested. When the time came, Peter failed so badly, he felt lost forever.
He nearly forgot that one crucial thing. Jesus loved him. That's what picked Peter up, strengthened him and kept him going until the end.