One of the best things for me about Christmas is the time our family spends together. It is one of the rare occasions when we can gather together, talk, laugh, eat, play and just enjoy each others company because our family is scattered in different cities, in different countries. One of God's first thoughts on man was that it is not good for man to be alone. There is a saying that "no man is an island" and it is perfectly true. You will struggle to make it in this world on your own.
Families shield us from a sense of isolation and loneliness, the most dangerous state for anyone to be in. Apart from our natural families, there are other types of families that God provides for the welfare of people. For example our jobs provide us with relationships that both encourage and challenge us. We spend a lot of time at work and our colleagues get to see the best and worst of us, just like our natural families. The Church is also often described as a family. We don't always get along as we should even though we love our brothers and sisters. But we are all blood related, albeit not our own! There is a closeness within our Church family that is very different to our other relationships. Sometimes only hard times brings out the best in families.
Sports Clubs, Community Groups, Neighbourhoods also give people a sense that they belong, that they are loved, that they are part of something greater than themselves. God wants people to be a part of a family and of course especially his family. He knows how we are made and is very concerned about the welfare of mankind.
In isolation our thoughts turn to ourselves, to how we are feeling, to our handicaps and failures sending us in a downward spiral. God knows isolation is not good for us.
Throughout our lives things happen that can isolate us from our families - through our behaviour, through pride, through a lack of forgiveness towards others and we can lose our loved ones, our jobs, get injured or fall ill or even commit some crime that sends us to prison!
That is why God is so clear about our responsibility as believers, as part of his family. He tells us to look after the poor, the orphan, the widow, the prisoner, the sick, the immigrant, the elderly. Everyone of these is isolated from society and so is most vulnerable to sickness, depression and spiritual attack.
So when you look at your life and you have a family, a job, your health, your freedom, count your blessings and guard them with your life! But remember "all the lonely people", and do what you can to be family to them.