Today, Proof 8: Life After Death Accounts.
Two separate recent studies by German and British scientists claim to have proved life after death.
The German scientists stated that everyone experiences life after death.
The studies are not really new. Faced with significant testimonial evidence of both Near Death Experience's (NDE's) and Out of Body Experiences (OBE's), Scientists have attempted to explain what happens when we die. Their conclusion is that the brain is sending it's last few signals before it shuts down forever.
Science Explanation
If so, Science can only prove what happens in the few minutes after clinical death. Science by it's own admission cannot prove what happens when the brain shuts down forever, the assumption is nothing happens.
I'm sure most of us have thought about what happens when we die. It is the great unknown but these accounts do give a glimpse that something lies ahead for each one of us.
Death is a reality we cannot escape. Some of us think we look good for our age but inevitably we will grow old and die. Less than 50% of people worldwide live to be 70. In NZ we have an 80% chance apparently. That day is not too far away for some of us ; )
For me, I look at Nature for the evidence. Spring follows Winter. A great tree grows from a tiny seed. A caterpillar is transformed into a butterfly. A desert is transformed into a garden. What looks dead comes back to life under the right conditions.
If you are interested, I recommend you watch New Zealander Ian McCormack give his testimony of a NDE on the 700 Club.