Sometimes in the Bible God renamed someone;
Abram became Abraham
“What’s more,” God told him, “I am changing your name. It is no longer ‘Abram’ (‘Exalted Father’), but ‘Abraham’ (‘Father of Nations’)—for that is what you will be. I have declared it.
Genesis 17:5
Simon became Peter
Andrew then went to find his brother Peter and told him, “We have found the Messiah!” And he brought Peter to meet Jesus. Jesus looked intently at Peter for a moment and then said, “You are Simon, John’s son—but you shall be called Peter, the rock!”
John 1:41-42
In Hebrew, Simon means “Listen”. In Greek it meant “snub-nosed’. If someone says that person is a rock, they mean solid, usually a good listener.
In both cases, God gives an extension to the meaning, he doesn’t change the context of the original name but identifies the person with greater meaning.
Abram was exalted father - applicable to his own family. But Abraham is “Father of Nations” !!! This became true physically through Isaac and Ishmael, also true religiously of Jews, Muslims and Christians and ultimately spiritually true since he is the father of all people born again by faith.
However Satan doesn’t call us by name - he is known as the accuser.
Then I heard a loud voice shouting across the heavens, “It has happened at last! God’s salvation and the power and the rule, and the authority of his Christ are finally here; for the Accuser of our brothers has been thrown down from heaven onto earth—he accused them day and night before our God.
Revelation 12:10
Satan instead labels us - ugly, fat, stupid, dumb etc and loves it when he has something to accuse us of - liar, thief, murderer, adulterer, gay ...
Where did the term “nickname” come from? The meaning is “also-name”. But be careful with nicknames as they are often negative in meaning e.g. Shorty. Another name for Satan is “Old Nick”.
But God calls us by our name, the one our parents gave us.
One day as Moses was tending the flock of his father-in-law, Jethro, the priest of Midian, out at the edge of the desert near Horeb, the mountain of God, suddenly the Angel of Jehovah appeared to him as a flame of fire in a bush. When Moses saw that the bush was on fire and that it didn’t burn up, he went over to investigate. Then God called out to him, “Moses! Moses!” “Who is it?” Moses asked. “Don’t come any closer,” God told him. “Take off your shoes, for you are standing on holy ground. I am the God of your fathers—the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.” (Moses covered his face with his hands, for he was afraid to look at God.)
Exodus 3:1-6
See how God loves the whole of Moses’s family going back many generations! He is our Father, he knows us and he calls us by name.
So pay attention to your thoughts and the way others speak to you. Your name is precious, listen carefully for it.
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