The Grace Shop
Proof 7 : Rainbows
For you to see a rainbow in the sky, you need rain and the sun behind you. The suns parallel rays pass through the raindrops and light is refracted back to you in the colours you see at an angle of 42° from the entry point of the ray into the droplet. The bow is caused by the way the light is refracted within the spherical nature of the raindrops. You only see half the circular shape because the Earth gets in the way of the other half.
If we have a scientific explanation, does that negate the biblical explanation for rainbows?
Proof 6 : Love and Justice
I have recently watched Les Misérables, probably my favourite musical. This very moving story primarily follows the paths of two men, Jean Valjean is a thief converted to an honest life by the gracious forgiveness of a Bishop, the other man is Inspector Javert the upholder of Justice and the Law seeking Valjean's conviction for his crimes. The tension between the 2 characters runs throughout but there is no doubt that Valjean is the hero of the story. It is a great story because it describes the human dilemma so perfectly and how the individual can ultimately triumph through Love and Grace. Does the truth matter if we have Love? A great question for our times...
Proof 5 : Sin, Death and the existence of Evil
Proof 4 : Language
According to SIL International's Ethnologue: Languages of the World (12th Edition, 1992), there are over 6,900 spoken languages. Where did all the languages come from?
Proof 3 : Prophecy
A number of years ago, 2 scientists worked out the odds of any one man in all of history fulfilling even only eight of the 60 major prophecies fulfilled by the life of Christ.
The probability that Jesus of Nazareth could have fulfilled even eight such prophecies would be 1 in 100,000,000,000,000,000
Proof 2 : The life and resurrection of Christ
Can we rely on the claims of the Gospel writers in regards to the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ?
Proof 1 : Life, the Universe and Everything!
Romans 1:20 For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse.
That's a very provocative statement in the Bible! We live in the modern age where many intelligent people say that Science has proven that there is no God. Is it fair to say that these people are without excuse?
The Court Case
It's a serious accusation because it is calling the follower of God deluded or even worse, a liar. Every outsider enjoys a dramatic court case, if this accusation of fraud was taken to court, what would be the outcome? Is there really NO evidence of God?
The way to win a court case is to use the evidence to establish the truth. You can do this two ways.
If you are a Defense lawyer you can take the evidence and put up an alternative explanation and so cast doubt. Lawyer's have become so clever at this, that even when an accused person is plainly guilty, if enough doubt can be established the accused will get off Scot free.
On the other hand, if you are acting for the Prosecution, you will want to present evidence so overwhelming that even if some doubt can be cast, the overall weight of facts is enough to get a conviction.
It is always up to the Jury to decide which argument is the most convincing. It is up to you to decide whether God exists or not, but since it is a serious question, you should at least carefully consider all the evidence.
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