We need to understand that we do not live in the world as God intended. This is an unnatural state we are in and death is our enemy, death is not meant to be a part of life. The bible teaches that in the beginning God created everything good. It was only when man and woman sinned that death entered into the world at God's command. Since that moment, the world has been turned upside down, we face disaster every day. Sometimes even the innocent suffer and die, it is a mixed up world we live in. Now everyone faces grief in life whether they believe in God or not and there are no words that can fix our pain. It is said that grief is the price we pay for love. That is a ray of light in the darkness, if we do not suffer grief for another then it proves we have no love within us. And love is from God.
If we do not personally know the person suffering and cannot share in their grief, we should keep our MOUTHS SHUT. When people are suffering, the only things they need are the kind words and deeds of friends and loved ones (and sometimes strangers) and to know that God loves them.
The good news is that God is not going to leave the world in this state forever and we can be saved from death if we place our faith in him. Jesus' death on the cross began a process of reversal and when he returns again it will be completed. The world will be returned to the state it was in at the beginning. Sin and Death will be no more. No more sickness, no despair no more crying. Is that a beautiful hope or is it just whistling in the dark?
The bible teaches it is a reality. How can we know this? From the Resurrection of Christ, from nature, and of course by faith. In nature you see the continual renewal of the earth throughout the seasons and years. You see seeds seemingly dead in the ground, turn to plants and trees. You see caterpillars turn to butterflies and deserts to green and flowering. But of course it also by faith that we believe that what God has said about a glorious future will one day come true.
Sin, death and suffering are actually a proof of God rather than a proof that he doesn't exist. But it does take faith to believe and I acknowledge that.