Romans 1:20 For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse.
That's a very provocative statement in the Bible! We live in the modern age where many intelligent people say that Science has proven that there is no God. Is it fair to say that these people are without excuse?
I would say instead that Science has made discoveries which raise questions. It's good to question when details aren't understood. The discovery of dinosaurs and fossils dated to millions of years old makes us wonder where this life came from and where it went to as it is not specifically mentioned in the Bible. The amount of time light needs to travel from the stars to earth indicate that the stars and galaxies are millions of years old. These are based on the assumption that the path of light needs time to travel. Why does the Bible seem to be saying that the Earth is only 6000 years old at the most?
However all our discoveries so far prove the complexity and order of life. Reason tells me that all this beauty, complexity and order look by far more like design than chance and that they have a beginning. If they have a beginning, where did all the material come from that formed them? That is something that Science cannot explain unless you admit the possibility of an unseen world. One scientific law says "Every Cause has its Effect; every Effect has its Cause". Can we hold this law true and then allow a contradiction that says everything came from nothing! If we did say that, could we then admit that scientific laws might exist that we are not aware of here on Earth? What is our collective knowledge compared to the whole universe of undiscovered knowledge? Ought we not be a bit more humble about what we truly know!
Anyone can have a question but it's foolish to discard someone's statement of fact without a proven answer. If Science does not solve these mysteries in my lifetime, I'm happy to wait for God to explain them later. I think Truth and Doubt can coexist.
Read : Job 38
Watch and Listen : Indescribable