1 John 5:5
When you observe a child running, playing, laughing, full of joy with glowing skin and beautiful hair you can hardly believe that child will become old and die one day. All life is ultimately going to end in death, there is nothing more certain.
And worse, we will also face deeply sad events during the course of our lives before we finally die. Loss, failure, brokenness, breakups, illness, death, the lot of mankind is a deeply unhappy and inescapable one!
And even more worse, there is no comfort from the world when death comes as death is the end of everything, the deepest sorrow of mankind. The end of life is so different to the beginning.
There is always hope when a child is born!
A baby is created from the DNA of the 2 parents. The baby has the DNA of the father and mother, a selection of code from both parents that makes the new person who they are.
When you were born again by the Spirit of God by your faith in Jesus, a new person was created in the same way.
Unfortunately when I compare physical and spiritual conception in my corrupt state I have some difficulty in seeing things the right way. I hope you don't have the same problem!
But the parallel is clear. The new baby is not a physical creation through a human act but a spiritual creation from the joining of Gods Spirit to human spirit.
I am that new person! My Father is God and my Mother is my old corrupt self! What a dilemma I am in down here on the earth!
My old self continues to struggle in defeat and because of my sin I will ultimately die, the saddest of things.
But because I am a new person with the DNA of God, I am free from sin and will live eternally! And as a growing child, I need to make good choices to grow up strong and healthy : )
When you feel defeated, don't forget you are still the old person that is dying. But remember, because you believe that Jesus is the Son of God, you have the DNA of God and will live eternally. Jesus is only one who has ever conquered death, and because of Him, you have also. It's been written into your DNA : ) So be joyful instead! You are an overcomer, you have defeated the World and everything it can throw at you!
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